Living the Truth and Sweeping the Floor


Discovering True Wisdom in Yourself.
By Golden Rosycross. 15 June 2022.

July 18, 2022

Living the Truth and Sweeping the Floor……


Do you know yourself.

We might first say of course, or maybe, well kind of.

Or on some days we might even say no. On those days when we feel like a stranger to ourselves.

You might be familiar with the inscription over the entrance to the Temple of Apollo in Delphi that says ‘know thyself’.

Which self is meant here. The self of our familiar personality that is so interested in its own well-being or maybe something very different.

Is there something else in us, another self, unknown or hidden in our being, beyond the reach of our personality.

A Universal self.

Can we know this Universal self.

We've probably already detected it in the desire we have for something that we sense lies just beyond our reach but waiting for us to connect.

The following words from the Bhagavad-Gita may help us to understand more about this Universal self.

‘The soul who meditates on the self is content to serve the self and rest satisfied within the self. There remains nothing more for it to accomplish.’

Well you may think this all sounds quite nice but that it's ancient wisdom it does not apply to our hectic and demanding lives today

But in fact it's not about ancient or modern it's not about how much we do or don't do. It's about what is the focus of our lives.

What is the focus of our life.

Do we follow only the inclinations of the self of our personality being to ensure our own well-being, or do we give attention to this other self within us, the Divine Essence in our heart.

The spirit spark that has the potential to burst into flame and connect with the Eternal Divine fire.

If we recognize that the most important purpose in our life is to connect once again with the Eternal Divine fire, then it doesn't matter where life has placed us.

We always have the choice between becoming lost in the turmoil of everyday life or keeping the focus of our life on the Eternal Essence within us on the one inner truth.

Here is a little story about focusing on the one truth.

Once Upon a Time they're lived in a monastery a simple monk who possessed no great intellectual faculties. That is why he was given only menial tasks.

Sweeping, washing dishes, collecting garbage.

However in his heart he possessed one, single Living Truth, which he put at the heart of everything he did.

When he did the dishes he said to himself,

‘Lord as I wash this plate may you also purify my being.'

When he swept the floor he prayed ‘Lord as I sweep the cell.’

This went on for years after which he emitted a radiation so pure that wisdom made its home in him, and his fellow monks as well as people from far and wide came to consult him on questions of the heart and the soul.

This little story shows us the power of living one single truth and living it daily.

Friends this simple story has a profound meaning just as the life of the simple monk had a profound outcome.

This profound meaning is present in all.

Gnostic spiritual wisdom in all truly liberating spiritual schools

This wisdom is present in the Egyptian Gnosis of Hermes Trismegistus, in the Tao Te Ching of Lao Tzu as well as in the ancient scriptures of the Hindus that convey the wisdom of Krishna, and also in the scriptures about the teachings of Jesus Christ as written by the founders of the Golden Rosycross, Jan Van Rijckenborgh and Catharose de Petri in their book The Great Revolution.

The Krishna of 5 000 years ago and the Jesus of approximately Two Thousand years ago are as Divine manifestations one and the same.

The entire life story of Krishna strikes us as very familiar probably because the whole life story of the saviour of Five Thousand years ago corresponds to that of Jesus.

The mysteries of Krishna and the mysteries of Jesus Christ provide us with overwhelming proof of a universal wisdom that has one and the same language and of the perfectly attuned tasks of all the truly great teachers.

Friends this eternal message of Light has always existed and has always been transmitted to humanity.

In the Bible Jesus said,

‘I am the Light of the World, whoever follows me will never walk in darkness but will have the Light of life.’

These words can be understood as a statement from the highest Divinity

The God within us.

A truth that is expressed in all Gnostic spiritual traditions.

And in the last book of the Bible, Revelation, it is expressed,

‘I am the Alpha and the Omega. The first and the last, the beginning and the end.’

We can see the similarity with expressions in the Bhagavad-Gita which follow,

‘I am the spirit who lives in the unfathomable depths of the soul of every creature.
I am the beginning, the middle, and the end of all things.

Their origin of their life and their decline.

I am the active element in the Kingdom of powers. The wisdom and the light in the eyes of the Sages.

The Creator and nourisher of the universe.

The origin of the universe and also its death, the end of all things.

I am the silence in which the Divine secret dwells.

I am the seed of every creature.

In every Power I am the primordial power of all powers.

I am the origin of existence in everything that exists, for I am everything.

Without me nothing exists.

I am the self in all creatures, yet from me the entire universe emanates, as a manifestation of myself.’

We all carry the seed of this Divine secret within us.

When we make it the centre of our life like the monk in our little story did, then it can grow in radiance and power to its fullest potential to connect with the Eternal Divine fire.


New Attitude of Life

