New Attitude of Life
A fundamental reversal leading to the start of a new chapter
July 19, 2022
New Attitude of Life……..
“To be able to do something, we must first acquire the knowledge and the capacity to do it; also possibilities such as raw materials must be present. Therefore, one cannot object and moreover one can readily agree that a sound consciousness is necessary to serve as a bridge between the liberated possibilities and their application. By this it is once more stated that a state of consciousness is a state of life. Further, we have spoken of the two electromagnetic fields: the one of ordinary nature and the one of the Gnosis. We have spoken of the two dispensations: life under the law and everything that results from it and life in Divine Love. We have spoken of the necessity to rise beyond the world of wrath and to enter into the world of Divine Love.
……This all sounds very nice, but is it really so? Is it perhaps only a theory, pure speculation to keep ourselves content? We should be careful not to say: "really, this life under the law is not so bad, anyhow it need not be so bad. Let us examine how in the past we always flew at one another with all sorts of fighting implements and used all kinds of firearms. Let's not do so anymore in the future. Let's be kind to each other, let's come to an agreement and live nicely, pleasantly and happily with each other. Isn't that what the Gnosis desires? Let us live with each other like new people". Then we smile at one another - if it suits us - and we are very kind and an angry word is never heard. We have discovered that it is possible to form a society without conflict.
……Therefore, when we speak to you of the enormous significance of the fourth Gnosis, of the new attitude of life, you should not accept an attitude of life which is only another means to continue your life, for then this would only be a weapon by which you can continue the struggle for existence. Because then your change is not an inner one, but only new clothing you have put on. Then we would only deceive each other. The Spiritual School wants to prevent this at all cost, because then you will not be led out of the house of service, but you will place yourself and die in a possibly long sustained balance of interests.
Do perceive that this is no solution, no liberation from the wheel of birth and death, no salvation for emptied microcosms. Therefore one of our Temple songs rightly reads as follows:
"A new attitude of life requires clearly conscious reflection; he who travels to new life, must begin again".
……If, however, your consciousness does not change, you will never change physically. It is out of the question that if a new consciousness were to appear in us, then only a different moral condition, a different attitude of life would be the result. No, the result would be that our entire personality, our entire physical state would change. That is why we speak of transfiguration in the Spiritual School. Not only does our life and behaviour change, but also our form of existence, our system of vehicles changes in cohesion with the microcosm.
……We know how the body reacts to the atmospheric substance. So we should also understand that our whole being will react to a changed electromagnetic influence. Now all depends on whether you become conscious of everything we have discussed and have not only accepted it rationally and morally. In the Spiritual School many things are discussed to which you will immediately say: "Yes, that is absolutely right", because your mind explains it and your feelings tell you so. But that is not enough. Everything concerning the path and the new life, which we accept as being rational-moral, must take shape in us as a state of consciousness, as a magnetic power. Then we can begin to live from them and manifest them in and through our life. Becoming conscious is to breathe magnetically.
……You long for a new magnetic respiration, but as your brain system is still closed, your state of life does not yet harmonize with this new possibility. Therefore you are going to open yourself by faith and life, that is by direct, positive magical life. You are not magical enough in your life-practice. You can intervene magically much more in your own life. If you believe in the purpose of the Spiritual School, then begin to act from that state of faith in a most intelligent, direct, consequent and unsparing way; in this way practice the fourth Gnosis, the Gnosis of the new attitude of life. If you do so, you will succeed, you will certainly be victorious. It is the key to true participation in the new period.
……If you really believe in the high purpose of the Spiritual School; if you can say from the fullness of your being: "I yearn for it, I believe and I hope", as a magnetic calling, then the blessing, the completeness of the gnostic fullness is placed at your disposal; then the whole potential of the universal life is offered to you. If only you really yearn for the Spirit and you fully realize your total poverty, then you will receive everything for nothing. Then you receive your inheritance in full. Then the perfect plenitude of divine grace is poured over you, the grace of the Immovable Kingdom. Then the realm of the Holy Spirit is around you and in you and the Gnosis enters the Rose of the Heart. That is when the first magic result, the inheritance of the Gnosis, the divine fire, is attuned to your own vibration-level.
……If you realize your poverty and vivify your yearning, the perfect blessing of the Kingdom of Heaven is placed at your disposal. But at the moment it is of no use to you, because your personality, your vehicle of death is still entirely closed. Your fivefold soul-fluid is not yet capable of standing the radiation of the Holy Spirit. Your fivefold soul must be attuned and prepared to receive the Gnosis. And it is you who must do this. This is the reason for the new attitude of life: the efficient lifting into life of an intelligent, active being, from hour to hour and from second to second. This now is what the old mystics meant by: living from faith.
…..Believing and yearning is the sign of every real pupil of the Spiritual School. Sometimes his whole being groans because of it. Sometimes he is terribly in need, but if he is really yearning, "it" is there already. It is very close to you, you have only to open your being to receive it. And that you have to do yourself. If you have faith, you must also begin to live from it in a new attitude of life. Get to grips with yourself, without reserve, without self-pity, without bargaining, in accordance with your yearning full of faith and in a consequent uncompromising action. This will open your soul, your whole vehicular system, to the revelation of the Holy Spirit.
……From the foregoing you will understand that all this is entirely within reach of the pupil. By living from the fivefold universal Gnosis you open your soul-state to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. Nothing prevents you from beginning with it today. If you act accordingly, the new state of consciousness will become a fact for you and from this new electromagnetic fluid you can proceed to a new state of life.
…….Consequently, we attain the firm basis of the new state of life by a twofold magical life, in faith and in a new attitude of life, carried out in such a consequential way that a change will no longer be possible. In faith and in a new attitude of life the entire fivefold universal Gnosis shines. The Transfiguristic workers have spoken about this Fivefold way of salvation for millions of years. Insight, yearning for salvation and self-surrender form the new liberating faith. The new attitude of life is its logical consequence. By this fourfold basis we are taken up into the new race, we go its ways and we participate in its manifestations.
Extracts from Chapter III - The New Attitude of Life
The Gnosis in Present Day Manifestation
Jan van Rijckenborgh
One of our Temple Songs puts it this way:
New attitude to life requires wise and clear reflecting.
Those who depart for the new life make a new beginning.
Day by day, come what may, always I-denying;
With the group uniting.
Extract from Chapter 19-I Abandon Knowledge
The Chinese Gnosis - A Commentary on the Tao Te Ching
Jan van Rijckenborgh and Catharose de Petri