Microcosm and the Wheel of Birth and Death

Top. The Wheel of Birth and Death depicting the journey of the microcosm and the personality vehicles it contains on that wheel.

Bottom. The Microcosm with Divine Light breaking into the system and touching the Spirit-Spark Atom, the Divine Spark, the Atman, the Jewel in the Lotus, the Divine Seed, the Rose of the Heart, in the centre of the microcosm.


April 24, 2022

Microcosm and the Wheel of Birth and Death……..

Wheel of Birth and Death

The filling of the microcosm with the birth and subsequent development of the personality vehicles, the physical, etheric, astral and mental bodies in the material sphere.

The emptying of the microcosm and those personality vehicles in the reflection sphere after the death of the physical body.

Once emptied, after some time, preparations can begin for a new personality to accompany the microcosm back into the material sphere, where more experience is gained.

And so and so on, round and round on the Wheel of Birth and Death.

Rising, shining, fading, adhering to the laws of the dialectical world we call home.

Until, a personality is generated within a microcosm that is so full of experience, that it has grown tired, become weary, of the fruits that the material dialectical world has to offer.

Once this nadir has been reached, seeking may develop that can urge the personality to re-direct its focus and orientation.

This change of focus and orientation by the personality may lead to the beginning of the process that, taken to its conclusion, can liberate the microcosm from the wheel, from the dream, from Samsara.


Man as minutum mundum (small world), a very complicated globular life-system in which, from the centre outward are distinguishable: the personality, the field of manifestation, the aural being, a seven-fold magnetic spirit field. The true man is a microcosm. What this world understands by man, is merely the heavily damaged personality of a hopelessly degenerated microcosm. Our present consciousness is a personality consciousness and, consequently, is only conscious of the field of existence to which it belongs.

Extract from The Coming New Man

Jan van Rijckenborgh

The field of existence to which we belong is this dialectical world, the material world, that we perceive through our five senses.

The ‘hopelessly degenerated microcosm’ can be repaired and restored to its former glory through a process that begins with a break-in of the system by the Divine Light, igniting the dormant, latent, divinity within us, the Spirit Spark Atom, the Rose of the Heart, the Atman, the Divine Seed once again.


Dogma and Packaging, Packaging and Dogma


Dialectical……Our present field of life