Put the Kettle On

November 1, 2023

Put the Kettle On……..

(I’m Sooo Thirsty)

A Kettle, a vessel fit for purpose.

A higher external energy than that which normally surrounds it, electricity or heat from a stove, is received by the kettle in a harmonious way.

The vessel, and its internal structure and workings are configured to allow the contents within to change.

The kettle is fit for purpose and fulfils its purpose.

What about Us!?


A vessel fit for purpose!?

A higher external energy than that which normally surrounds us may come in to our system and be received by us in a harmonious way.

Our vessel may be increasingly receptive to the higher energy depending on our insight, yearning and self-surrender.

Our vessel, and its internal structure and workings may begin to change and begin to be re-configured to allow the contents within us to change.

The vessel may be fit for purpose and may fulfil its purpose.

Are you thirsty enough to put the kettle on.

What matters is not so much what the vessel looks like on the outside.

Modern, new and shiny, or vintage, relatively old, battered and bruised or anywhere in between.

It’s colour, it’s size and shape, it’s style, it’s aesthetics.

Most important is the inner state of the vessel.

“Why do you wash the outside of the cup?
Do you not realise that he who made the inside is the same one who made the outside?”

Gospel of Thomas - Saying 89

Hundreds of millions of kettles, vessels of one sort or another being used every hour, day and night, by hundreds of millions of more sophisticated vessels of one sort or another.

I wonder how many of those hundreds of millions of more sophisticated vessels realise that while they are watching and waiting for a kettle to fulfill it’s purpose, that their system too is potentially capable of something similar.

Albeit in a far more sophisticated way, and with an outcome far more wondrous.


Real, True, Divine Alchemy


Faith (Repost)