Progress and Knowledge
People usually think that progress consists in the increase of knowledge, in the improvement of life, but that isn't so.
Peace is your Natural State
Peace is your natural state, it is your mind that destroys this state.
Past, Present, You (Three)
But alas, the more accursed life becomes, the more people seem to cling to it and try to wring from it the blessings they desire. Understandably, though, the results are minimal
Past, Present, You (Two)
This must have a reason, and it can only lie in the fact that many are still clinging too tightly to the things of the old life, and expect divine revelation simply to penetrate the innermost parts of their earthly being and awaken the one true life within their microcosms, without their needing to follow any process.
Past, Present, You (One)
In the true sense of the words, they were in the world, but no longer of the world.