Realisation and Spiritual Armour


September 28, 2022

Realisation and Spiritual Armour…….

“When the pupil realises the uselessness of all this activity and gives it up, when he has become convinced that higher expectations can never be realised on the basis of his ego, he will be forging for himself an impenetrable spiritual armour, and he will be able to follow the path, the way, Tao, because the I-delusion within him has been killed. Then the microcosm will be restored to its original condition and the entity concerned will participate in the All.

So we can see how the message of the present-day Rosycross is and has been the message of all times since the Fall; and it is the message of Lao Tzu, proclaimed more than 2,500 years ago. This message will go on resounding until the seeker sees clearly the road before him and says to the universal sages:

I wish to live according to your great and wise example,
To know that I am linked with the divine plan of creation.

One last point: the seeker will only see the path, he will only see Tao when he discovers that `he is suffering in the ego', as Lao Tzu puts it; when he discovers that nothing and no one can heal him of this pain, that no one can put out this fire, until he himself says farewell to his I-being. Then, “the great lamp of the All-consciousness” will begin to burn for the pilgrim, and he will be imbued with this divine radiance which, as a consolamentum, will raise him up out of the night of his suffering.”

Extract from the Introduction

The Chinese Gnosis

Jan van Ricjkenborgh and Catharose de Petri

A sober, mature realisation of what we are and what this world is.

A sober, mature realisation of what we are and what we are not.

A sober, mature realisation of what this world is and what it is not.

A sober, mature realisation of what this world has to give us, and what it does not have to give us.

A realisation, a conclusion, that each must come to in their own way and in their own time forged through the experiences of this world.

A realisation that this world, this realm, with its structure of opposites and our ego driven personality that feeds those opposites, cannot give fundamental peace.

A realisation that this world can only offer peace with a small p, which is really only temporary respite, solace, from the opposites, the contradictions, the vagaries, the “slings and arrows” of this world.

A realisation that what it cannot give is Peace with a capital P, a fundamental all embracing, all encompassing Peace.

A realisation that once made in the depths of oneself, in the core of the core of our being leads to the conclusion that it is quite futile to ask some thing of this world, this realm, that it simply doesn’t have to give.



