Human Love vs Divine Love
Insouciance Girl #1 - Doorway Glimpse. December 2017
April 27, 2022
Human Love vs Divine Love……..
“The All Manifestation does not love as humans do; it sees all things as straw dogs.”
Tao Te Ching, Chapter 5.
“The words: ‘the All Manifestation does not love as humans do’ may come as rather a shock to you. If they are true, they are likely to overturn your whole way of viewing life and the world. That is indeed the aim of the ancient revelation we know as the Tao Te Ching. When you understand what Lao Tzu really meant to convey, many of your preconceptions will be shot to pieces, for it tears apart the whole paradigm with which humankind has surrounded itself and which has been handed down from generation to generation since time immemorial.
You know what it is to love; in one form of radiation or another, you will have experienced the essence of love. Leaving aside all the lower aspects and manifestations of love, there still remains the the love you have for your partner in life, for your children, for your family, or possibly for a group, nation, or race. You have your friends for whom you bear feelings of love. You also have feelings for the whole of humankind, which make you want to work for those in need, or to improve the standards of human life in some way, or to work for this School, or some other cause.
Without all these aspirations and expressions of the loving human heart and their results, humankind could not live. The only thing that gives ordinary life even a spark of value is the expression of love, in whatever way it may be manifested. If such expressions of love were not possible, life could not go on, it would be unbearable and unacceptable. The more evolved a person's character, the more beauty it spreads around it in the form of love and loving behaviour. There is no mortal on the face of the earth who does not know love in some form. World literature is filled with proof of it. Love makes the world go round.”
“............The Bible tells us that love triumphs over all things; love liberates; love is the greatest power in the world. This idea has been taken as the theme of countless novels. There are people, families, and groups without number who have made the words, ’love above everything’ their motto, and put it into practice in their lives. In the course of time, this manifestation of love has grown so formidable in its scope, so cultivated and organised, that the vibration power unleashed by it should surely have liberated our world long ago, and elevated it to the level of a divine heaven. For surely no one would admit that love as we know it is a lie, a deception?
But this love has not liberated the world. Beauty brings ugliness to the surface, and good brings forth evil, love brings forth hate. Love is a ember, hatred is a fire. Earthly expressions of love are attempts of the ego to maintain itself. They are attempts of the ego to make its own state of being divine. That is why they arouse antitheses. Where you have embers you will also have fire!”
“.............So what does the Bible really mean when it says that ‘God is Love’? Well it means something quite different, and if you want to understand anything at all about it, you will need to free yourself of all your preconceptions about love. You must shatter them, just as you must shatter all the other preconceptions that populate your pantheon.
The divine manifestation is governed by a certain rhythm, which is present even in the minutest atom. This state of being knows NO ANTITHESES, it cast no shadows, and always brings forth itself. Good is not set against evil there, nor beauty against ugliness, nor love against hatred, nor reality against delusion. The Gnosis does not have love; it does not radiate love; IT IS LOVE! In other words divine love is not something which has to be aimed at any goal; it simply does not know conflict; it does not make any effort. It simply is, in itself. That is why its power is boundless, and can be compared with a bellows. If a bellows is pumped rhythmically, it generates a great deal of power. In the same way, the rhythm of the All Manifestation generates an enormous power and nothing that conflicts with that rhythm can ever enter it.
Knowing this you will understand better than ever before why the nature of death is fundamentally irreparable, and you will resolve to waste as few words as possible on that hopelessness. You will not argue with people who do not understand. You will leave the world for what it is. In complete self-control and service to god, you will focus only on that which is capable of assimilating the divine rhythm and which is of the same nature: the wondrous atom, the Rose of the Heart, the Kingdom not of this world.”
Extracts from Chapter 5 - “The All Manifestation Does Not Love as Humans Do” (pages 55 - 62)
Jan van Rijckenborgh and Catharose de Petri