

April 28, 2022


‘Lo! I tell you a mystery of healing, a mystery of recovery:

We shall all be changed!

The perishable must put on the imperishable, the mortal must put on immortality;

Then shall come to pass the saying that is written:

Death is swallowed up in victory.’

Now let us analyse this mystery. The true pupil is able, in his broken and mortal microcosm, to construct amidst this perishable world, something imperishable and immortal, namely: the mental conception of immortal man, the mental image of the immortal, heavenly being. This conception must be formed in a manner entirely different from that of the ordinary mental phantoms outlined above. Such a mental conception can only be accomplished by a person who still possesses the spirit-spark atom in the right heart ventricle. If this spirit spark atom can be touched by the infrared light of the Gnosis, a wonderful effect begins in the thymus, an organ of endocrine secretion situated under the sternum. For, in this state, the spirit-spark atom begins to vibrate vigorously and touches the thymus with its light impulses, which then starts to secrete a hormone into the stream of lesser blood circulation.

The thymus is active in childhood, then shrinks and lapses into a state of latency. Through the vibration of the spirit-spark atom touched by the Gnostic Light, the thymus is reanimated. As soon as the blood, loaded with this particular hormone, reaches the head and consequently touches the brain, the most wondrous thoughts, namely those characteristic of the true seeker, arise due to the effects of the blood in the brain centres. One can say that, due to these wonderful effects, the image of immortal man in its embryonic state has already been conceived, entirely beyond the influence of the desire-being, the blood-I."

Extracts from Part 1 Chapter4 “The Nature of Human Imprisonment”

The Coming New Man

Jan van Rijckenborgh




Human Love vs Divine Love