First of all we have to broach an old subject discussed at length in our ranks by stating that Christ is not a hierophant of majestic stature residing somewhere outside the gross material world, but is first of all an impersonal, limitless Being, manifesting Himself as Light, as Power, as a mighty Radiation-Field.
Divinity is Your Essence
"Divinity is at the heart of you. It is the root of you. It is the core of the core of your being……..
Waiting Love Within
If you have ever really loved someone, or been loved by someone, you will know that the whole heart can be absorbed and uplifted by it. This gives rise to an emanation, which radiates from the heart and establishes the connecting link. Well it is with a love like that, that the heart must devote itself to the spiritual rose, which is present in the heart, in the centre of your being.