The Spiritual Path as an Inner Adventure
The light-seeker gets to know himself and the ordinary world as it is, with all its shortcomings and contradictions. He courageously faces what he sees.
Insight, Yearning, Self Surrender…..Insight
And maybe we can say that in this context seeing intuitively is looking at ourselves and this world, this realm, on the basis of and through the lens of an increasingly purified and silent heart.
The Beginning that leads to the Original
What is the beginning - not of the original, but what is the beginning that leads to the original.
Dream World
The courageous ones come to a halt and allow their astonishment to take root, as well as an accompanying feeling of emptiness, futility and loneliness. If we see through the dream, this emptiness is the prerequisite to be fulfilled in quite a different manner.
A Higher Darkness
What is that before the creation. What is this nothing. What is this divine darkness, the original cause of all."
Mr and Mrs Average
Suppose you really do that. Suppose Mr or Mrs Average actually does that. What happens then? You strike the rock and a stream of living water comes gushing out and flows on its way.
Literature and the Extraordinary
Literature is the art of discovering something extraordinary about ordinary people, and saying with ordinary words something extraordinary.