May 2022 Paul Betteridge May 2022 Paul Betteridge

What God Wants

God is not worried about your mistakes. All He wants from you is your love. Love Him ever more deeply.” He also used to say, God has everything, except one: Loving you, He wants your love in return.”

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May 2022 Paul Betteridge May 2022 Paul Betteridge


“To be truly ignorant is to reject with a dull heart any offer of a way out of the mud flats of nescience. The truly ignorant, in their stupor, ask no questions of life, and recognise no opportunity for self-improvement even if it offers them everything.

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May 2022 Paul Betteridge May 2022 Paul Betteridge

Look Within

"I realise that under the circumstances you have described you feel the need to see clearly. But your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Without, everything seems discordant; only within does it coalesce into unity.

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May 2022 Paul Betteridge May 2022 Paul Betteridge

Holy Aim

"We intend to place you once more before The Holy Aim, which is hidden to those who are understanding and wise by the standards of this world. If only you can find the missing thread again and hook the missing link to the chain again, then for you the Call will not have sounded in vain.

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May 2022 Paul Betteridge May 2022 Paul Betteridge


Based on the Universal Teachings.

Teachings that fallen humanity has been left as a gift. A set of directions passed on by many individuals in different cultures and in different languages and symbols through the ages since the beginning of time (literally), when this portion of humanity fell in vibration, into time and matter, due to wrong focus and orientation.

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