July 2022 Paul Betteridge July 2022 Paul Betteridge

Dream World

The courageous ones come to a halt and allow their astonishment to take root, as well as an accompanying feeling of emptiness, futility and loneliness. If we see through the dream, this emptiness is the prerequisite to be fulfilled in quite a different manner.

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July 2022 Paul Betteridge July 2022 Paul Betteridge

Mr and Mrs Average

Suppose you really do that. Suppose Mr or Mrs Average actually does that. What happens then? You strike the rock and a stream of living water comes gushing out and flows on its way.

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June 2022 Paul Betteridge June 2022 Paul Betteridge

Merry!?-go-Round (two)

Peace, which, sooner or later, like all things in this, our world of opposites, our dialectical realm, will turn into its opposite or a variation of itself

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June 2022 Paul Betteridge June 2022 Paul Betteridge

Merry!?-go-Round (one)

In spite of being miserable and afraid because of the non-peace we experience within ourselves and in our connections with almost everything around us, we seem unable to cease acting in ways that constantly aggravate our situation

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June 2022 Paul Betteridge June 2022 Paul Betteridge


Fortunately, some are born with spiritual immune systems that sooner or later give rejection to the illusory worldview grafted upon them from birth through social conditioning.

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June 2022 Paul Betteridge June 2022 Paul Betteridge

Gnosis of Tao

They have tread this path with compassion and mindfulness. Their courage has preserved for us a path that is open to all beings without exception.

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