June 2022 Paul Betteridge June 2022 Paul Betteridge


Will you be the one who rouses the Divine Spark, the Divine Remnant, the Divine Atom, The Divine Seed from its long long sleep, from its dormancy, from its latency

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May 2022 Paul Betteridge May 2022 Paul Betteridge

Fibonacci and the Flower

I cannot prove to you that God exists, but my work proved empirically that the standard of God exists in every man, and that this pattern is the most transformative energy that life is able to provide to the individual. Find this pattern in yourself and your life will be transformed.

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May 2022 Paul Betteridge May 2022 Paul Betteridge

Open the Door

Small and hidden is the door that leads inward, and the entrance is barred by countless prejudices, mistaken assumptions, and fears.

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