Growing Seeds
They have an innate, intrinsic essence, potentiality. They want to grow. They simply need favourable conditions. And I know from experience these conditions do not have to be perfect, they only need to meet a minimum requirement for initial fragile roots and shoots to emerge.
Im Sooooo Busy, Must Dash
“Childhood is busy with toys; youth is busy with sex; middle age is busy with earning money; old age is busy with regrets and illnesses: Nobody is busy with God!”
Lets Suppose
"Let's suppose that you were able every night to dream any dream you wanted to dream, and you would naturally as you began on this adventure of dreams, you would fulfil all your wishes.
Past, Present, You (Three)
But alas, the more accursed life becomes, the more people seem to cling to it and try to wring from it the blessings they desire. Understandably, though, the results are minimal
Past, Present, You (Two)
This must have a reason, and it can only lie in the fact that many are still clinging too tightly to the things of the old life, and expect divine revelation simply to penetrate the innermost parts of their earthly being and awaken the one true life within their microcosms, without their needing to follow any process.
Past, Present, You (One)
In the true sense of the words, they were in the world, but no longer of the world.
World, Heaven, Flower, Infinity, Eternity, Hour
To see a world in a grain of sand, And a heaven in a wild flower, Hold infinity in the palm of your hand, And eternity in an hour.
Inner Faith vs Outer Authority (even more)
A fundamental, universal, cosmic Christ radiation exists. Yesterday, today and billions of years ago, this radiation was and is exactly the same. It does not change. This universal grace is and remains eternally unchanged unto itself.
Inner Faith vs Outer Authority (more)
“For several millennia and in various cultures there have been persons who testified of a divine reality, encouraging their fellow human beings who were receptive to this message to contact this other reality and begin living from It.
Inner Faith vs Outer Authority
“As already mentioned, there are in the world, millions of spirit-spark atom entities. A dividing line runs across the ranks of those touched by the cosmic light.
More Encouragement
”The greatest ‘sin’ is to call yourself a sinner.” Instead, if you don’t want to blame God (which Yogananda insisted, however, is perfectly fine with God!), tell yourself, “Maya (cosmic delusion) committed this deed through me. I dissociate myself from everything connected with it. In my true Self, I am untainted and ever free!”
What God Wants
God is not worried about your mistakes. All He wants from you is your love. Love Him ever more deeply.” He also used to say, God has everything, except one: Loving you, He wants your love in return.”
Even the worst of sinners can, using the raft of wisdom, safely cross the ocean of delusion