July 2022 Paul Betteridge July 2022 Paul Betteridge

Kundalini of the Heart

Do we have a nucleus of the Kundalini force in our hearts, and if we do what is the nature of this hidden, and to many many people still a mysterious force.

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July 2022 Paul Betteridge July 2022 Paul Betteridge


Originally, the Gnosis was the sum and substance of the ancient wisdom, the compendium of all knowledge having a direct relation to the original divine life of a truly unearthly, divine human life-wave.

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July 2022 Paul Betteridge July 2022 Paul Betteridge


Was it loneliness that brought you here. Broken and weak. Was it tiredness that made you sleep. Have you lost your will to speak.

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July 2022 Paul Betteridge July 2022 Paul Betteridge

The Forever Gap

Where the personality, driven by the predominantly egocentric consciousness, thinks it should be in life as opposed to where it is.

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July 2022 Paul Betteridge July 2022 Paul Betteridge


Born from the dissatisfaction, frustration and futility that stems from living and striving in the space that is the forever gap.

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July 2022 Paul Betteridge July 2022 Paul Betteridge

Essence and Power

However, the real essence, the real transformative power of the Teachings, reside in their resonance with the Divine Gift in the core of the core of each human being.

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July 2022 Paul Betteridge July 2022 Paul Betteridge

New Law of the Heart

We were talking about the new attitude of life, which must make our personality open and suitable for the touch of the electromagnetic powers of the universal life. From the touch of these powers of the Holy Spirit the new consciousness will arise and thus a new state of life will become possible.

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July 2022 Paul Betteridge July 2022 Paul Betteridge

Breath of Life

Only by following the Path of the Rose can one be linked with the breath of life, with the astral forces of the Gnosis.

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July 2022 Paul Betteridge July 2022 Paul Betteridge


Indeed, certain aspects of the spiritual path are subtler than ordinary knowledge, that is, than what can be comprehended by anyone who lacks personal experience of inner realities.

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