August 2022, November 2022 Paul Betteridge August 2022, November 2022 Paul Betteridge

Living Water and the Divine Field of Life

Water is a sublime, universal symbol of the power-radiations of the new life. Just as the ordinary human being lives and moves in the electromagnetic radiation-field of dialectics, so the pupil who, through the sacrifice of the self, has established a liberating link with the spirit of the valley, the God in him, will enter and live in the new electromagnetic radiation-field.

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August 2022, September 2022 Paul Betteridge August 2022, September 2022 Paul Betteridge


The key to the Path is faith, that is to say : the union of the spirit-spark atom in the heart with the pure Divine light. When this gate has been opened and the new power can enter the system of the pupil and work in him, he is ready for the path of renewal.

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August 2022 Paul Betteridge August 2022 Paul Betteridge

The Mystery of Life and Death

But friends could we possibly detach from the idea that the earthly human being is the eternal being. Could we allow the thought to rise up within us that there is something that is bigger than we are, something that does have eternal value and of which we as earthly human beings are partaking only temporarily.

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August 2022 Paul Betteridge August 2022 Paul Betteridge

Knowing, Overcoming, Unlocking, New Life

If you do not ask these questions in an intellectual way, but because you are driven by an inner need, because these issues are really problems for you; if these questions well up from the deepest depths of your being, then the urge to seek will emerge in you of its own accord.

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August 2022 Paul Betteridge August 2022 Paul Betteridge

Seeking and Construction

The human manifestation as we know it, the physical human being living in the material world, is not the real, noble human being intended by God, but constitutes the instrument with whose help the great marvel of creation must be achieved.

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August 2022 Paul Betteridge August 2022 Paul Betteridge


The invitation then, is to set the conditions for the divine potential within us, the waiting divine love within us, to assimilate, connect to the helping hand from without, the divine radiations.

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July 2022 Paul Betteridge July 2022 Paul Betteridge


That is why you need to know and taste Tao, and all other wisdom teachings, so that you can live , speak and act from their synthesis, freeing yourself of your own particular national characteristics in order to become a true world citizen of the universal people of God.

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